Product Safety
A large-scale recall of an unsafe product. The nightmare of every producer and distributor. Yet recalls often occur. With all the financial consequences and media attention that entails. Do you want to reduce this risk structurally? Précon Quality Services is your partner in product safety.
The importance of product safety
When a consumer purchases a product he assumes that it presents no danger other than what could be reasonably expected in advance. We call this product safety. A large part of the European Directives focuses on guaranteeing safety for consumers. As a consumer you are obviously happy about this. Your company has an additional task, however. Because you are legally responsible for the safety of these products. Which responsibility your company has depends on the role you fulfill: are you a distributor or a producer? The obligations of your organisation may also differ for each product type.
No unsafe products on the market
A product may not be sold if it is unsafe. Your products must meet the applicable safety requirements and possibly be supplied with warnings or instructions. Is your product unsafe? You must report this to the supervisor and take appropriate measures. This can result in a large-scale recall.
Product safety and Précon Quality Services
Précon Quality Services has been working as a quality controller for large international parties in the supply chain for many years. We have had virtually all kinds of non-food items in our hands and helped with product safety. We can train your employees in the area of product safety, support your organisation where necessary or take the entire process off your hands.
Our expertise enables us to determine which obligations apply per roll and product type and how your company can comply. In addition, we can tell you how a product may or should be marked and which instructions should be listed in the product guidelines or on packaging. Finally, we can advise which warnings should be shown if selling online and which are optional. We can support you in all your product safety processes in the EU.
If a product still turns out to be unsafe for use despite all precautionary measures, then we are also here to support you. We provide support in drafting the report for the regulator and the text for the recall.
We would be happy to discuss the possibilities of product safety for your company. Feel free to contact us via the button below or call us on 030 - 656 60 10.
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